Welcome to Season 2, Episode 11 of the Exponential Minds Podcast. Nikolas Badminton, Futurist, Keynote Speaker and Author, speaks to the amazing thinkers that dream bigger and impact the world with their thinking and actions.

Here Nikolas speaks with Rocky Ozaki, the founder and CEO of the NoW of Work. Rocky is one of Canada’s most passionate evangelists and transformation experts on the NoW of Work (the Future of Work is NoW). For years he has preached that technology, a sharing economy and the connected generation would dramatically shift the way companies operated...and it was going to happen faster than most were predicting. We've since learned that COVID-19 was not only a more powerful influence to force companies to modernize, but it's also pushing the adoption of exponential technologies and the sharing economy at an even greater pace than ever before.

Connect with Rocky at https://www.nowofwork.com/ and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/rockyozaki/

See more of Nikolas’ work at https://www.nikolasbadminton.com