Welcome to Season 2, Episode 10 of the Exponential Minds Podcast. Nikolas Badminton, Futurist, Keynote Speaker and Author, speaks to the amazing thinkers that dream bigger and impact the world with their thinking and actions.

Nikolas speaks with Rafeeq Bosch who has a long career in information technology leadership and transformation. He now works for Slalom Consulting where he’s building out a Foresight practise and helps clients see further and think bigger.

Rafeeq was a co-founder of the World Futures Society’s South Africa Chapter, and was instrumental in making submissions to the South African government’s 2030 National Development Plan. Rafeeq is also pursuing a PhD in Futures Studies at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. His research area is the use of Futures techniques to help Emerging Economy nations participate in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Read “System of life” – A Metaphor for Re-imagining the COVID-19 Pandemic” in the Journal of Futures Studies

Watch Rafeeq's DARK FUTURES keynote ‘Dark Industrial Revolutions’

Connect with Rafeeq at [email protected]

See more of Nikolas’ work at www.nikolasbadminton.com