Guest in this episode: 

Emmanuel Ponchon, graduate in English Philology and trilingual translation from the Université Catholique de l’Ouest (France). Throughout his professional career, he has lived in various countries, accumulating extensive teaching experience, and has subsequently worked as a language teacher and Effective Communication trainer in companies both in Madrid and in Asturias (Spain), where he was director of the Summer Course for 9 years. From 2018 to 2020 he was the Director of Lifelong Learning and Project Department at the Padre Ossó Faculty in Oviedo, Spain.

From his main professional point of view, what stands out the most is his demonstrated passion for educational innovation as shown by his many training projects where children and teenagers have found a framework of responsible and free learning. Likewise, he has been able to create synergies between different projects, either locally or internationally. It is worth mentioning his collaboration with schools of democratic education and agile methodologies, as well as his position as representative and official trainer of eduScrum in Spain and France. He now works for ThinkingWithYou, a consulting company, which purpose is to humanize organizations as well as personal growth and development. They are currently working on the creation of a lifelong learning ecosystem to build bridges between the world of education and organizations.

*Music: Greg Mullen

Now streaming on most podcast platforms. 

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#ExploringTheCore #SelfDirectedSchooling