Previous Episode: Academic Standards

Podcast and Episode Copyright 2019 Exploring the Core LLC

* * #ExploringTheCore *

Episode Release Date: December 10, 2019

What makes social-emotional learning so important in today’s schools - haven’t we always addressed the social and emotional development in students? It’s this kind of question I get from parents and educators more often than I’d like to admit, but the answer is buried in the historical development of cognitive and psychological theories in the last century. 

"I begin this historical briefing at the start of the 20th century."

"Consider the political unrest at the time."

"Think about that first half of the 20th century, all the discoveries and cultural development related to psychology. Consider how those ideas impacted policy and media in the second half of the 20th century. It took nearly the entire one-hundred year span for these ideas to be integrated into our society as common knowledge."

Interview: Clark McKown,

"...there are ways in which these organizations that speak to and serve multiple districts are trying to help them pull together resources given that there is one-stop shop."

"I do think that states that have adopted some form of standards have a leg up because... they have a common framework to be working from... [and] give the educators in those states a lot in terms of how they should proceed and towards what aim."

"Because we're focused on the measurement part with school districts, what I want to be able to do is help our partners link what they learn about their students from our assessment to what they plan to teach. "