I recently read Data Driven Security: Analysis, Visualization and Dashboards by Jay Jacobs (@jayjacobs) and Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr). The book is easy to read and a very good introduction into the world of data and security. Both Jay and Bob were kind with their time when I had questions about exercises in the books. After reading the book I decided to have Bob on to talk more about data driven security.

In this statistically-inclined edition for the Exploring Information Security podcast, I talk with Bob Rudis co-author of Data Driven Security to answer the questions: "What is data driven security?"

I recently read Data Driven Security: Analysis, Visualization and Dashboards by Jay Jacobs (@jayjacobs) and Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr). The book is easy to read and a very good introduction into the world of data and security. Both Jay and Bob were kind with their time when I had questions about exercises in the books. After reading the book I decided to have Bob on to talk more about data driven security. 

Bob Rudis is also a contributor to the Verizon DBIR and these projects below:

Data Driven Security which features the book, a blog (@DDSecBlog), and a podcast (@ddsecpodcast).Open Source R Tools For The Cybersecurity DomainSecRepo.com - Samples of Security Related DataMLSec - Machine Learning Security

In this episode we discuss:

What is data driven security?The benefits of data driven securityHow it should be implementedWhere it can be applied

Bob also gave me a long list of resources for those looking to get into data-driven security:

The Elements of Statistical Learning: data Mining, Inference, and Prediciton, Second Edition by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman.Data Science Specialization - CourseraAuthor Edward R. TufteAuthor Stephen FewLinear Digressions podcast

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