David (@dacoursey) is one of the organizers of the Charleston ISSA chapter. At DerbyCon 2014 he experienced his first CTF. He had such a good time that he decided to put together the CTF for BSides Charleston two months later. Through those experiences he has learned a lot and has participated in many more CTFs this past year.

In this thrilling edition of the Exploring Information Security Podcast, I talk with David Coursey about how to play capture the flag (infosec-style).

David (@dacoursey) is one of the organizers of the Charleston ISSA chapter. At DerbyCon 2014 he experienced his first CTF. He had such a good time that he decided to put together the CTF for BSides Charleston two months later. Through those experiences he has learned a lot and has participated in many more CTFs this past year.

In this episode we discuss:

What is a CTF event?What is needed to get starter?How to play a CTF?How to win a CTF?What makes for an excellent CTF

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