Circle of Docs One Community For Everything Chiropractic Dr. Beau Pierce- Founder and CEO As a second generation DC, Dr. Pierce has been exposed to the idea of total wellness for over three decades. Dr. Pierce represents an emerging digital generation that has proved social networking and online connectivity translates into growth and strength. The idea to meld Chiropractic with a custom engineered social network was made possible by the unique circumstances of life long professional exposure and the generation he was born into. Dr. Pierce believes a digital element will be critical to remedy industry problems and advance the profession. Dr. Pierce serves as the CEO and Chief Innovator and works to continually develop and enhance value added digital functions that will facilitate global member interactions, awareness and resource sharing. Questions • How important is social media to the progress of the profession? • What is Circle of Docs and why did you found it? • Why did you start podcasts? Rapid Fire • Finish this sentence: “Chiropractic is…” • Where do you see chiropractic in 10 years? • Describe your ideal patient in 1 sentence. • If you could only use 3 treatments for the rest of your career, which would they be? • What was the best time you had in practice? • If you were to do it all over again, which school would you choose? • What is the most important thing students can do when choosing a school?