Mark Crislip, MD has been a practicing Infectious Disease specialist in Portland, Oregon, since 1990. He is responsible for the Quackcast, a skeptical review of Supplements and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (SCAM), three time winner of best health podcast; The Persiflagers Annotated Compendium of Infectious Disease Facts, Dogma and Opinion, a guide to infectious diseases; the Persiflagers Infectious Disease Puscast, a podcast review of infectious diseases, and Rubor, Dolor, Calor, Tumor, an Infectious Disease blog. Oh yeah. And A Gobbet ‘o Pus, a podcast repeat of Rubor, Dolor, Calor, Tumor. He also has iOS app and his ID blog entries have been collected and are available on the Kindle as Puswhisperer. A Year in the Life of an Infectious Disease Doctor. Part II Topics Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Placebo effect The importance of risk vs. benefit and comparing alternative and traditional medicine What is your favorite microbe? The Society for Science-Based Medicine The difference between education and critical thinking and the prevalence of gullible-$h!7s. Evidence-based chiropractic & NCCAM What advice would you give to a student pondering chiropractic school? (Hint: Learn how badly you think and apply it to yourself.)