When it comes to spirituality, so much of the focus is on how we ourselves can benefit. Does this practice bring us peace, are we feeling healthier and more motivated, etc.

As students of A Course in Miracles, we all have personal goals we hope to achieve through this path, but have we ever stopped to consider what the Course’s goals may be? Have we ever wondered whether the Course itself has a purpose to achieve in the world and how we can help it get there?

At the Circle of Atonement, we hold a vision for the Course that is based on guidance Helen Schucman received just a few months before the book was originally published. In this video, Circle founder Robert Perry and executive director Emily Bennington share this guidance as well as the Circle’s plans for 2022. If you’d like to learn more about our vision for the Circle and the Course, we invite you to visit www.circleofa.org/vision.