Welcome to another episode of Explode Your Expert Biz Show, brought to you by http://gtex.org.uk/,


I am your host, Simone Vincenzi, The Experts Strategist, and this is the podcast for experts who want to become the ultimate authority in their niche while making an impact in the world.


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Today I have the pleasure to Interview Suze Maclaine Pont


Suze is a coach on Financial Harmony and I help entrepreneurs quit the hustle and embrace a life full of harmony and balance.


She started her career as a naval architect and pretty early on, she realized that she was

naturally good at managing big projects and creating a context where people could work together, while using their talents and feeling purposeful. Feeling that she had found her mission, and was inspired to start her first business.

Whereas a lot of people around her complained about business being hard, for her it just came easy; her company was blooming,She was able to take 4-5 months off a year and she was making a lot of money. To have her own business, also meant she could learn about the fields that interested her the most, starting from business and management to NLP, trauma therapy and transactional analysis, so that she could shape herself into whatever her heart wished.




In this episode, we talk about:


The 6 stages of development and how these play out in character The strengths side of these patterns How these patterns play out in money and business


Connect with Suze Maclaine Pont


Website: www.whatisyourmoneytype.com


FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/SuzeMaclaine


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzemaclainepont/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suzemaclainepont




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Thank you for listening to EXPLODE YOUR EXPERT BIZ SHOW.

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Remember to download THE EXPERT BIZ CHECKLIST to get the roadmap on how to become an AUTHORITY in your field.



Finally, To receive daily support in your coaching and speaking business, join our private Facebook Group EXPLODE YOUR EXPERT BIZ



Thank you for listening and remember that TOGETHER WE GROW EXPONENTIALLY.