My EXPERT guest is… Rachel Clarkson. Rachel, who is also known as the DNA Dietitian, uses the latest scientific research in genetics to help her clients move past fad dieting and instead, adopt a healthy, personalised approach to weightless and wellness goals. 


In this episode, Rachel and I talk about the challenges she has faced in juggling the many different hats we need to wear when building an expert brand and becoming a confident business owner and entrepreneur. We talk about pricing, building confidence as a leader in your field, how to move past comparison and why it’s so important to know your numbers if you want to scale your impact. Let’s go ahead and dive in.


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Get free access to The Vantage Point: 5 strategies to triple your impact and become the go-to expert in wellness.


Get your complimentary 121 financial strategy session with GrowFactor and get actionable advice to increase profits and cash in your business. Email Simon via [email protected]


Check out Rachel’s services and how they can support you here