“Give an inch and they’ll take a mile…” is true when it comes to even the best of paying clients. 

If you feel like you’re overdelivering, struggling to find time to work *on* your business outside of client work, or inundated by questions from your clients… It might be time to set some clear boundaries.

Great client relationships are so important for you as a wellness expert – because they’re key to ensuring you have the energy and capacity to look after yourself, too. In this episode, I’m talking about:

➖ Deciding on key client rules and boundaries that your clients must adhere to

➖ How to communicate boundaries so that you feel good (instead of rude and uncompassionate)

➖ Why your systems are the key to setting and keeping clear client boundaries

➖ 3 things your clients NEED to know from you to be the best client possible

When you have clear boundaries nailed down – your whole business and life will transform. You’ll have more time, mental capacity and space to grow your business. 

Did you know you can watch this episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@theprofitablewellnessexpert

AND… If you’re a wellness expert or health practitioner and you need help building a profitable business online… 

Click here for access to my FREE TRAINING: The Booked-Out Wellness Expert.

In this (FREE!) 15 minute training, you’ll learn:

➖ An exact process for defining a profitable niche so that you stand out as a go-to wellness expert

➖ How to move away from selling one-off appointments and reach consistent $5k months (it’s simple!)

➖ Creating a signature program that your ideal clients cannot say “no” to (meaning more impact and more freedom!)

Get instant access now.

Plus – discover our brand new BUSINESS SHORT COURSES for wellness experts here: www.laurenarmes.co/shop