To use your name OR not to? That is the question!

I’ve been there, made the mistakes AND quizzed some of the leading industry-experts in wellness on why they DID or DIDN’T use their own names to build a brand.

If you’re stuck on what to name your business, are fearful about putting your own name out there, or aren’t sure what is important to consider – then this episode is for you.

I’m going to help you to:

- See the pros and cons of brand name vs personal name 

- Share a real example of an industry experts with millions of followers who wished she’d done it differently 

- Help you to see WHY you’re hesitant about your decision

- And, give you my (road-tested) recommendation on the best approach 

By the end of this episode you’ll be confident that you can move forward in the most aligned AND commercially savvy way for you and your business.

Guess what? You can also watch this episode on YouTube:

AND… If you’re a wellness expert or health practitioner and you need help building a profitable business online… 

Click here for FREE access to my FREE 4-PART mini-course: The Booked Out Wellness Expert.

In this (FREE!) course, you’ll learn:

➖ An exact process for defining a profitable niche so that you stand out as a go-to wellness expert

➖ How to move away from selling one-off appointments and reach consistent $5k months (it’s simple!)

➖ Creating a signature program that your ideal clients cannot say “no” to (meaning more impact and more freedom!)

Get instant access now.