That dreaded two-letter word: NO.

It can leave you feeling deflated, disappointed and leave you wanting to hang up your hat and hide in a corner.

The good news (or at least it’s reassuring) is… that you’re supposed to hear “no”, that it’s not a personal rejection, and that it’s the thing that’s going to make you powerful, resilient and highly-sought after expert.

In this episode – I’m giving you a big, virtual hug and reminding you of the 3 most important things to remember when you hear “no” on a sales call (or, in any sales conversation for that matter).

You’ll finish this episode:

- Knowing exactly why prospects say “no” – and how to channel that into learning

- Wanting to keep moving forward because you understand what “no” really means

- Why it’s probably got nothing to do with your offer, your price OR you personally

- And, how to hold the faith even when you feel like giving up!

If you’ve let “no” be the reason not to put yourself out there OR you’ve taken it to mean you aren’t good at sales…

Then, this episode is for you. 

You can also watch this episode on YouTube:

Also… If you’re a wellness expert or health practitioner and you need help building a profitable business online… 

Click here for FREE access to my FREE 4-PART mini-course: The Booked Out Wellness Expert.

In this (FREE!) course, you’ll learn:

➖ An exact process for defining a profitable niche so that you stand out as a go-to wellness expert

➖ How to move away from selling one-off appointments and reach consistent $5k months (it’s simple!)

➖ Creating a signature program that your ideal clients cannot say “no” to (meaning more impact and more freedom!)

Get instant access now.