It probably doesn’t sound that left-field now – but when I met Jody Shield in circa 2015, she was what most people describe as pretty “woo woo”.

She was pioneering a more spiritual, self-enquiry-type wellbeing modality – incorporating layers of deep, intuitive introspection and metaphysical thinking.

Upon meeting her for the first time, I remember feeling as if she could see into my soul.

In today’s episode of EXPERTS (and 8 years on), Jody and I are diving headfirst into the business journey she’s taken since.

We talk about:

How much pressure Jody felt when she got signed by Deliciously Ella’s publisher, to be “the next big thing” 

What it feels like when you’re building a business that people don’t really understand

The value of working with clients 1:1 in shaping your sense of purpose, confidence and reputation

How your Human Design and self-discovery can actually shed massive light on how you should be doing business… 

And, a whole lot more.

Listening to this episode might feel like a dinner party that you’ve been invited to… as Jody and I catch up like old friends.

Take a seat at the table, we’re so happy to have you with us.

>>> BTW, are you a wellness expert building an online business?

Get FREE access to my guide: “Elevate Your Prices” which explains the 6 key principles of charging premium prices that will position you as an industry leader in wellness.

AND – if you know you’re ready to take action and want a simple, laser-focused growth plan (that’ll create greater time freedom for you!), we unlock that for our clients inside our high-level Mastermind. 

It’s a hybrid of 1:1 strategic coaching and learning with (and from) other ambitious experts. It’s an application-only program that can take you from 6 to 7 figures.

If any of this sounds like you, and you’re ready to find out more – visit

HUMAN DESIGN with Jody Shield

Also, if you’re curious about your Human Design chart and how it might give you clarity on your business strategy – you can schedule a session with Jody here: