The ultimate irony for an expert in the wellness industry, is having built a business that has no space to prioritise your own wellbeing.

There are a few main reasons that growth can start to feel dogged, draining and in some cases, stop completely! In this episode, Hannah and I are diving head first into what these reasons are and how to overcome them.

We’re talking about why experts need to:

Stop deviating from a clear, simple, laser-focused business model and getting distracted by “shiney object syndrome”; and why most experts end up frustrated by lack of results; Commit to mastery of one, focused customer journey from start to finish and master that first –– before adding complex layers, additional products and content channels to the mix. Understand what it really takes to create passive income and why this concept as become an elusive mirage that expert seem to be chasing, but never truly achieving!

This episode is for you if you feel like you simply cannot step away from your business without it crumbling around you.

It’s an important conversation and we’re here to have it with you, and to guide you on what the next steps are if it resonates.

Are you an expert or coach building a business in the wellness industry?

Get FREE access to my guide: “Elevate Your Prices” which explains the 6 key principles of charging premium prices that will position you as an industry leader in wellness.

AND – if you know you’re ready to take action and want a simple, laser-focused growth plan (that’ll create greater time freedom for you!), we unlock that for our clients inside our high-level Mastermind. 

It’s a hybrid of 1:1 strategic coaching and learning with (and from) other ambitious experts. It’s an application-only program that can take you from 6 to 7 figures.

If any of this sounds like you, and you’re ready to find out more – visit