In the previous episode, I shared the news that I have recently exited my first business, Welltodo. It has been an 8 year journey that started with a simple idea, and became a globally recognised brand and platform for wellness industry professionals, entrepreneurs and investors.

In this episode, I’m sharing some of the honest conversations I had with myself that catalysed this decision, and helped me to take big, uncomfortable action. 

I’m talking about:

➤ Why your entrepreneurial identity is sometimes hard to change

➤ What to do when your motivation wanes

➤ How life looks for me post-pandemic and why normalising that helped me move forward

➤ Reminding myself that starting a business is meant to be the best decision I ever made

➤ The power of, and place for, selfish moments in business

➤ The changing industry landscape for experts in wellness

This conversation then leads very nicely on to me sharing more about my next chapter, Beyond Seven. It’s a brand and business that we’ve quietly been building in 2022 and will more officially launch in 2023. 

I can’t wait to share more.

Are you an expert or coach building a business in the wellness industry? 

Get FREE access to my guide: “Elevate Your Prices” which explains the 6 key principles of charging premium prices that will position you as an industry leader in wellness.