Host Karen Piurkowski welcomes Mark Boyadjis, the Global Technology Lead for Automotive Advisory Services at IHS Markit, to this episode. Mark is a globally-recognized expert in automotive technology markets, strategies, and foresight as well as a career analyst and consultant thanks to his rich variety of expertise in technology forecasting, technology management, and strategic advisory topics.


In this episode, Mark shares different strategies for OTA (Over-the-Air) deployment, describes some of the challenges in bringing it successfully to market and comments on how OTA is benefiting consumer experiences all around the world.


Key Takeaways:

[1:16] Mark provides an overview of IHS Markit

[1:58] An explanation of OTA updates in the Auto Industry

[2:52] Key challenges in bringing successful OTA functionality to market

[5:04] Different strategies for OTA deployment today

[7:54] Consumer insights

[11:40] Why more OEMs are deploying OTA updates

[13:50] Trends that will impact OTA updates, and how OEMs leverage them as part of a connected vehicle platform

[16:38] How automakers scale OTA updates



Brought to you by HARMAN


Mentioned in this episode:


Automotive OTA Deployment Strategies: The Build, Buy or Partner Equation




“From a top line perspective, IHS Markit expects more than 250 million vehicles to have some sort of OTA by 2025, whereas today, the industry is only at about 50 million.” #OTA #ExperiencesPerMile #automotive


In a recent IHS Markit survey, more than half of consumers who answered the survey expressed they’d choose to have OTA (Over-the-Air) updates on their vehicles. #HARMANConnectsMe #technology #OTA


Download the IHS white paper discussed in this episode at #OTA #HARMANConnectsMe #whitepaper #ExperiencesPerMile