Host Karen Piurkowski is accompanied to this episode by Daniel Xing, Head of Product Management for HARMAN’s automotive cloud platform, HARMAN Ignite. He is responsible for building, launching, and driving the implementation of products.


Daniel explains how consumer productivity can be increased through an automotive marketplace—transforming vehicles into an extension of the digital lifestyle of the driver. Listen to this episode for valuable information about the benefits that in-vehicle app stores offer to consumers, as well as for a detailed description and comparison of the different types of marketplace ecosystems that are currently available.


Key Takeaways:

[0:44] Daniel Xing talks about his professional background and his experience in the automotive industry.

[1:55] When in-vehicle automotive marketplaces or app stores become a priority for OEMs

[4:05] The benefits consumers receive from an in-vehicle app store

[5:54] Why the industry is moving towards offering apps and services in vehicles

[7:06] Why it’s beneficial for OEMs to work with a Tier-1 supplier to provide this service instead

[10:58] Daniel talks about HARMAN Ignite Store

[15:16] Comparison of the different types of vehicle marketplace ecosystems

[17:58] Daniel discusses the different types of apps that would live in the car

[21:05] How an automotive marketplace increases a consumer’s feeling of accomplishment

[23:13] What the timeline looks like for when this technology will be fully realized within the vehicle



Brought to you by HARMAN


Mentioned in this episode:

HARMAN Ignite Cloud Platform



Your vehicle can be an extension of your digital lifestyle. #ExperiencesPerMile #HARMANConnectsMe #technology #cloud #connectivity


The role of the car is being redefined, from simply a vehicle to get us from A to B, to an environment that provides experiences and enhances our lives. #ExperiencesPerMile #HARMANConnectsMe #technology #mobility #accomplishment


People demand to be connected everywhere and seamless connectivity in the car maximizes and enhances the time spent there. #ExperiencesPerMile #HARMANConnectsMe #technology #cloud #productivity #connectivity