Topics discussed in this episode include:

The origin of the NSC,  its involvement in the Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) and potential incorporation into the LER as a broader documentation that is inclusive of workplace and other skills that drive success after college including employment and further schooling. Having built an ecosystem of trust, the NSC is leading in this next phase of learning documentation.The importance of LER documentation in a skills framework in guiding transitions from school to work, and even back to school. The LER recognizes that skills can be learned in many places, including higher education and industry, which invests a great deal in training. An LER would help industry in finding talent and preventing job placement mismatches, especially now in a time of key job placement shortages. Importantly the LER will help with creating inspiration in secondary and higher education students as they see their potential pathways in college study, internships, etc.The power of the LER in inspiring all students, but particularly those of diverse backgrounds, to be aware of opportunities from education. It starts first with the learner but develops around a community of care centered around the student. Then there is the educational institution itself which can help its student commitment through their envisioning a career path. An LER is particularly important when big industries are looking at student skills, as well as degrees, in making hiring decisions. The LER also helps universities as they try to hold on to their freshman and attract back some of the 36 million students who dropped out of college, 4 million after completing 2 years of college.  It offers universities a way to help understand and account for important prior experiences in the military, work, and other life activities that could be properly integrated toward college completion.   When one thinks about an LER, one realizes two things.  First, many people and entities are needed to successfully guide a student and an LER can help. Second, the LER technology, developed for example in the Indiana Achievement Wallet, also requires partners in all sectors, and that is the journey the NSC is currently undertaking with its partners to make the LER happen.

Resources Discussed in this Episode:

National Student ClearinghouseState Strategies For Skills And Lifelong Learning Systems (National Governors Association)LER — The Learning and Employment Record for a Skills-Based Economy

Music Credits: C’est La Vie by Derek Clegg