Topics Discussed in this Episode:

Paul’s choice of labor economics as a field and his starting employment from a working class backgroundLayperson definition of mal-employment in the college labor market vs gig workThe effect of lower literacy and numeracy skills on student’s potential for mal-employment.The effect of college major on pathway to a job.The effect of starting early in college with paid work experiences like cooperative education no matter the choice of major.A third of recent graduates are mal-employed, costing them about half the potential salary earnings, which also has an impact on student debt.There is still a college advantage but students should develop marketable skills and experiences early and figure out how to turn their college major into a job.Experience is particularly helpful in preventing mal-employment in diverse and under-served populations.The differences between apprenticeships, internships, and practicums in fields that require experience before one can practice, e.g. health fields.Story about Professor Harrington having a “simply irresistible” moniker in some other interviews.

Resources Discussed in this Episode:

Neeta Fogg and Paul Harrington. Rising Mal-Employment and the Great Recession: The Growing Disconnection between Recent College Graduates and the College Labor Market. Continuing Higher Education Review, Vol. 75, 2011 (link here)Paul Harrington at Drexel University

Music Credits: C’est La Vie by Derek Clegg