In this episode of Experience Speaks we interview Jairek Robbins - an entrepreneur, performance coach, motivational speaker, and business consultant.

We are delighted to share this episode with you because it covers some very relevant and useful topics including:

Jairek's Small Business Survival Kit which helps businesses get through difficult timesHow he started his performance coaching career (stories of success and failure)What it’s like to have a father in the same industry who has set the bar incredibly high Great exercises you can use today to manage fear and anxiety caused by COVID-19

Jairek has been coaching business owners for over 16 years; delivering trainings and speeches to millions of people worldwide and working with organizations like BMW, the Air Force, and even the United States Olympic Team!

He started learning performance optimization literally from day 1 as he is the son of one of the best performance coaches in the world.

But it wasn’t until 2013 that Jairek truly figured out how to live everything he learned.
Eventually he wrote what became a #1 Bestselling Book called “LIVE IT!” which can help anyone add deep meaning and purpose to their life while achieving massive success.

What I really love about Jairek that might not be as obvious at first is that he is committed to giving back! This was acknowledged when he earned a Congressional Award at the age of 23 - A Gold Medal, the highest honor Congress may give to a youth civilian.
Overall Jariek has a ton of experience helping business owners and individuals and I am excited to have him on the podcast!

Here are some resources Jairek covers:

gottman.comBreathe App - Business Survival Kit -