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Eddie Hall began his sport career as a swimmer. He was an age-group national champion between ages 11-15 in England. However, as he grew older, and substantially larger, he gave up the pool for barbells. He began bodybuilding at age 16, and then, at age 20, he began training and competing in Strongman competitions. Two years later he won England's Strongest Man and then, at only 23 years of age, in 2011, he won UK's Strongest Man as well. Hall is the youngest man to have held the prestigious UK title. In 2012 he was invited to participate in the TWI World’s Strongest Man contest for the first time and finished fourth in his heat. In 2014, when he was invited back, he did far better and finished sixth overall. He then went on to set the Strongman Deadlift World Record in 2016 and win the World's Strongest Man in 2017. If you are watching today's episode on georgetube, this just may be one of the most motivational videos you will ever watch and hear. Here's Eddie. 

For more about Eddie Hall, simply search youtube. Tons of great content and free video there. And be sure to visit his website His latest book Strongman, is available at his website and/or 


As the late great Jim Rohn use to say, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Today you have been hanging out with Eddie Hall. Keep up the momentum and subscribe to our newsletter so you never miss another episode.


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