Dealing with health challenges, whether minor medical procedures or emergency situations, can be scary and overwhelming in the safest and surest of environments. When we are presented with healthcare complications abroad, we are tasked with managing stress and other complex emotions while in hospitals or facilities with which we may not be familiar, or when receiving healthcare services which run counter to our expectations. In those most challenging moments, utilizing supportive practices to comfort ourselves and our loved ones can help us navigate unfamiliar and often disorienting experiences. Carolyn Parse is a certified child life specialist, who supports international patients, partners, and parents who want to build resiliency and vitality around a medical conditions or health challenge while living abroad. In today’s episode, Carolyn shares a range of strategies that we can use to help prepare ourselves for challenging healthcare situations we can predict, or that we can use to make our loved ones feel safe when unexpected circumstances arise. This conversation is the final installment in a six-part interview series, that looks at the far-too-often hidden aspects of expat life.

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The post 73: Navigating Health Adventures Abroad with Carolyn Parse appeared first on Sundae Schneider-Bean, LLC..

Dealing with health challenges, whether minor medical procedures or emergency situations, can be scary and overwhelming in the safest and surest of environments. When we are presented with healthcare complications abroad, we are tasked with managing stress and other complex emotions while in hospitals or facilities with which we may not be familiar, or when receiving healthcare services which run counter to our expectations. In those most challenging moments, utilizing supportive practices to comfort ourselves and our loved ones can help us navigate unfamiliar and often disorienting experiences. Carolyn Parse is a certified child life specialist, who supports international patients, partners, and parents who want to build resiliency and vitality around a medical conditions or health challenge while living abroad. In today’s episode, Carolyn shares a range of strategies that we can use to help prepare ourselves for challenging healthcare situations we can predict, or that we can use to make our loved ones feel safe when unexpected circumstances arise. This conversation is the final installment in a six-part interview series, that looks at the far-too-often hidden aspects of expat life.

The post 73: Navigating Health Adventures Abroad with Carolyn Parse appeared first on Sundae Schneider-Bean, LLC..