In this episode of the Expat Empire Podcast, we will be hearing from Ana Claudia Vicente da Silva. Ana developed an interest in German culture in university while in Brazil and then joined a German company upon graduation. She worked hard in that role and eventually got the opportunity to transfer to the company's German headquarters. Though she already had a significant amount of experience with Germany regarding the work culture and language, she still had many challenges to overcome in her adjustment to life in a smaller German town. Listen to her story and learn from her experiences in this episode!
LEARN in this episode:
✔ How to position yourself for success in a move to a foreign office within your company
✔ Tips for negotiating for a better salary when moving to other countries
✔ Some of the main differences between Brazilian and German culture in both personal life and professional environments
✔ The challenges of moving abroad with a partner who can't easily adapt to new environments
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