Dr. Nicole LePera is leading the way for a holistic approach in the clinical field. In this episode, Lacy and Dr. Nicole discuss how she has intertwined her background in clinical psychology with a holistic approach to mind, body, and soul. She shares tools for approaching healing and acknowledging patterns in our own narratives.

“Kids are really seeing more of what you’re doing. Even if you say the most brilliant, conscious building statements to your children; if you’re not modeling that, if you’re modeling reactivity, if you’re modeling worrying about the external world, whatever it is that you’re modeling is more what’s going to impact your children.” - Dr. Nicole LePera

“People can only provide others, even children, what they provide themselves.” - Dr. Nicole LePera

“I think the more you practice self-observation, the more you get to see how patterned those narratives and then those feelings are, so you can get clarity that ‘okay this is just that nervous anxiety I always feel in that situation’ so probably safe situation, old story that I can lose.” - Dr. Nicole LePera

Dr. Nicole LePera is leading the way for a holistic approach in the clinical field. In this episode, Lacy and Nicole discuss how she has intertwined her background in clinical psychology with a holistic approach to mind, body, and soul. She shares tools for approaching healing and acknowledging patterns in our own narratives.

In This Episode We Talk About:

Lacy’s experience with Panchakarma
How Lacy has been incorporating Ayurvedic practices and how it’s been feeding her Uplevel
Nicole’s cultural upbringing
Approaching inner child work, and how Nicole discovered and researched the concept through her own healing journey
Developing consciousness around the place where the inner child lives within each of us
Exploring the ways we are still impacted by our inner child
Learning how our wounds show up and how we may start to heal them
Two ways to work with our wounds: being aware of our narratives (through meditation) and giving ourselves permission to consider ourselves and make ourselves a priority
Indicators of when a wound has been healed or shifted
Nicole’s astrology sign and human design
The protective nature of ego
Humans are intuitive and adaptive
Using affirmation as a positive reinforcement tool
Recognizing awareness through conscious, and continuing to reaffirm this through repetition
Creating a new self, with flexibility for creation
Nicole’s model of interacting with people and functioning, and her journey to get there
Some of the physical changes Nicole made to improve her mental space
An approach that looks at the body, the lifestyle, interventions, and the power of the subconscious
The biggest part of shadow work is self-acceptance
Acknowledging, questioning, and accepting when triggers show up
Two-fold intuition: listening to our body-based guidance system and trusting it
Reconnecting with our intuition through nature, art, music
Emotional addiction and identifying cycles
How to catch ourselves in emotional cycles
The chemical reactions in our bodies when we are in those cycles
Deep belly breathing to regulate
Emotional enmeshment and how that shows up in adulthood
Discovering our needs and wants, and learning how to show up in the world
How to consciously communicate boundaries and practice this communication
Self-healing, modeling, and communication as parents
Allowing grace for ourselves as a part of healing
Conscious parenting and shielding from the not-so-postives of life and ourselves
Nicole’s future-self journal and daily consciousness/affirmation
Nicole’s biggest rock bottom
Nicole’s top 3 expanders: Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks, and her partner


Surya Spa
Expanded x 19: Martha Soffer
Expanded x 35: Jacqui Lewis
Howard Wills
How to Identify and Heal from Emotional Enmeshment
Free Journal EBook
Dr. Nicole’s Blog
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Abraham Hicks
To Be Magnetic
Lacy Phillips Live: The Manifestation Tour
The Pathway Membership
A la Carte Workshops
The Forest Retreat House
Instagram: @forestretreathouse

Where to Find Dr. Nicole LePera

The Holistic Psychologist
Instagram: @the.holistic.psychologist