Dungeons & Dragons is one of the most well-known role playing games in the world, but their methods for creating the game are a bit more obscure. I chatted with Alison Luhrs, the person who builds some of the worlds and writes some of the stories of D&D about how she does it.

HOSTED by Moiya McTier (@GoAstroMo), astrophysicist and folklorist


Alison Luhrs is the Narrative Design Lead of Digital Publishing at Wizards of the Coast. She's responsible for making sure the worlds, storylines, and characters make sense together and are coherent with what's been written before. You can follow her on twitter at @alisontheperson


- patreon: patreon.com/goastromo

- twitter: https://twitter.com/ExolorePod

- instagram: https://www.instagram.com/exolorepod/

- website: https://exolorepod.wixsite.com/exolore


- Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

- Cover art: Stephen J. Reisig, http://stephenjreisig.com/


Have you ever wondered what life would be like on a planet different from our own, or how writers create your favorite fictional worlds? Well, wonder no more because we have the facts for you! Every other week, astrophysicist/folklorist Moiya McTier explores fictional worlds by building them with a panel of expert guests, interviewing professional worldbuilders, or reviewing the merits of worlds that have already been built. You'll learn, you'll laugh, and you'll gain an appreciation for how special our planet really is.

Exolore is a member of Multitude, an independent podcast collective and production studio.

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