What causes seasons on Earth? Our planet's axial tilt! But what might life be like on a world with no tilt at all?

HOSTED by Moiya McTier (@GoAstroMo), astrophysicist and folklorist


Maureen Kahiu is a Masters student of plant sciences at Penn State with a focus on turf grass pathology. She also has experience working as a golf course supervisor, a field dominated by men. You can follow Maureen on twitter at @MaureenKahiu. Ferris Jabr is a science writer who has contributed to the New York Times and Scientific American. He's also currently writing a book about the coevolution of Earth and life! You can follow Ferris on twitter at @ferrisjabr and learn more about his work at ferrisjabr.com


Learn about the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) at raicestexts.org. And you can donate to the Families Together Fund at raicestexas.org/ways-to-give/families-together-fund.


- patreon: patreon.com/goastromo

- twitter: twitter.com/ExolorePod

- instagram: instagram.com/exolorepod

- website: exolorepod.com

- subreddit: reddit.com/r/ExolorePod


- Music: purple-planet.com

- Cover art: Stephen J. Reisig, stephenjreisig.com

- Editing: Mischa Stanton, mischastanton.com

- Transcriptions by Iesir Moss at exolorepod.com/episodes


Have you ever wished you could travel to a different world? Exolore can help with that! In each episode, astrophysicist/folklorist Moiya McTier explores fictional worlds by building them with a panel of expert guests, interviewing professional worldbuilders, or reviewing the merits of worlds that have already been built. You'll learn, you'll laugh, and you'll gain an appreciation for how special our planet really is.

Exolore is a member of Multitude Productions, an independent podcast collective and production studio.

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