I’m wrapping up my series on the Tiny Habits book and process! Today’s episode is all about going through some activities that act as tools within this process. These tools will assist you in really diving into your EXIT and allowing you to identify the behaviors that hold the key to positive change.

While these activities are easy to do, they can have a significant impact on how you look at where you can make changes in order to pursue the life that you want to live. How exciting is that?

Here is what I cover in this episode:

Defining Your AspirationExploring Behavior OptionsFocus Mapping

I’ve used these tools myself to facilitate my own EXIT, so I can tell you firsthand how useful they are in taking a step away from the drinking cycle. Now, all that’s left for you to do is to tap into them with me!

Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed the episode, please take a second to hit the follow button so you never miss a future episode, and leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to break away from the toxic cycles of drinking and discover a healthier approach that leads to a life full of abundance and happiness. 

If you want to take what you’ve learned here to the next level, head over to jumpseatcoaching.com for more resources and tools. See you back here in the next episode!  



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Private Coaching: https://jumpseatcoaching.com/breakthrough  

The Tiny Habits Book: https://www.amazon.com/Tiny-Habits-Changes-Change-Everything/dp/0358362776/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3NIJLAXIDGK04&keywords=bj+fogg+tiny+habits+book&qid=1644870035&s=books&sprefix=BJ+Fogg+%2Cstripbooks%2C67&sr=1-1