Yousef Badou teaches what I think is simply the most important component of protection, situational awareness coupled with the ability to read and predict people through human behavior. As I try to spread the art of protection like a virus I have found Yousef to be one of my greatest allies simply because spreading soft skills is easier than spreading hard skills and so we aim to spread situational awareness like a virus.

When people know what pre-threat indicators to truly look for, people will be able to shut down violence before it starts and avoid it altogether.

This is the art of behavioral profiling that Yousef is arming corporations, places of worship, schools and the world with. It doesn't matter how big, strong or combat effective you are which is the beauty of this discipline, anyone can get good at this and that's why it's so important we bring the art of behavioral profiling to the world. So enjoy this episode and send it to all of your loved ones!

Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers