Welcome to my 3rd podcacst yoga class! I hope you enjoy this class and that it brings you into a deep relaxation so you can really have time to be with yourself. At the end of the class I lead the Upanishad Mantra. I wanted to give everyone a chance to read it, understand it […]

Welcome to my 3rd podcacst yoga class! I hope you enjoy this class and that it brings you into a deep relaxation so you can really have time to be with yourself. At the end of the class I lead the Upanishad Mantra. I wanted to give everyone a chance to read it, understand it and learn the meaning before hearing it. 

Upanishad Mantra

Om Asatoma Sat Gamaya

Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya

Mrtyor Ma Amrtam Gamaya



Lead us from the unreal to the real

Lead us from the darkness to the light

Lead us from the fear of mortality to the knowledge of immortality


I have come to use a lot of chanting in my personal practice. During my teacher training, I was exposed to chants, songs, and mantras from all over the world. They help to bring me peace, calmness of mind, and a clear presence on my mat. Chanting has allowed me to develop a clear relationship with myself and the various archetypes within that come out at different moments. Some of my favorite places to chant are on my mat, in the shower and in Prospect Park. Often, I find myself chanting within, in my head, as I am walking, riding the subway, or laying down to sleep at night. There have even been a few mornings where I will wake up with a chant or song, unable to determine if I had been singing in my dreams. 

Any song can become a chant or mantra. If the song has a deeper relationship to you, then use it in your practice. Certain songs ring true to me, striking a chord within me that is undeniably a physical reaction to the message, tone and music in the song. I get the tingles, I feel heavy in my seat and goosebumps crawly over my skin. Emotions come forth as I listen to the music, the singer, the passion in their voice. And I breathe in that connection. I allow myself to be in that music or song. And I celebrate its existence and its message. 

Please bring your heart onto your mat, every time that you practice. It is much more rewarding when you are fully present and committed. 


I would love any feedback on this class and am eager to bring more options to students that are out there!


Listen. Breathe. Be You. And Excuse Me While I Yogini…


