In this episode, you'll meet the co-founders of Kemper House and Kemper Cognitive Wellness.  Betty and Kristin Kemper talk about the ideas that inspired them to start:

1) Kemper House - a dedicated assisted living environment pushing the boundaries of what people thought was possible for Alzheimer's and dementia care

2) Kemper Cognitive Wellness - one of the nation’s leading companies for Alzheimer's and dementia prevention, support, and services. We treat everything from brain fog and ADHD all the way through dementia


You'll also hear from Cheryl Freed, Vice President of Learning & Education at Kemper and family dementia coach at Kemper Cognitive Wellness on the principles that shape living well even with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's or dementia.

Finally, we'll tell you about our latest project that we are so proud of - a course for Caregivers of someone with Alzheimer's or other dementia - called, Live Well with Dementia. 

Learn more at:


Learn more about the work at Kemper:


7:48 - What they learned when Kristen’s father and Betty’s husband ended up in the care of their organization 

10:49 - The mission of Kemper Cognitive Wellness to catch cognitive decline early 

13:13 - What it is like to work in the innovative environment of Kemper vs a traditional assisted living model 

15:25 - What can you do when you recieve a diagnosis? 

20:03 - What does success look like when someone is moving through the later stages of Dementia?

23:50 - What does success look like when a loved one is at the end of their life?