Earlier this year, podcast episode #65 - we spoke to Lisa and her daughters Stacy and Natalie. They told us about how they were Living Well with Alzheimer's and improving using lifestyle and personalized approach. Her cognitive decline had stabilized and seen small, but significant improvements in brain function.  This episode we review some of the elements  that have led to their success:

1) Hiring a personal assistant for Lisa as opposed to a caregiver to force her to do things

2) Inspecting & moving out of a water damaged "moldy" home and why they did this

3) How they continue to iterate and push back against her Alzheimer's process, some tools and tricks that are working for them every day.


For more information on how you can prevent or push back against Alzheimer's and other dementias visit Kemperwellness.com or call (216) 337-1400.  We have support programs, virtual classes, and many other options.

Consider supporting the Evolving Past Alzheimer's podcast at patreon.com/evolvingpast so we can continue to bring you the information most helpful to you.


4:44 - What has happened since we last spoke to Natalie and Stacey 

7:27 - How Natalie and Stacey revolutionized typical dementia care through choosing a personal assistant over a caregiver 

12:45 - What they discovered from mold tests in their mother’s home 

29:15 - Navigating the process of moving their mother to a safer home 

34:50 - What kept Lisa motivated to keep doing the work 

41:48 - How is Lisa doing right now overall? 

47:10 - The ins and outs of the system that keeps the family on track with the treatment plan