My guest today is Kaylyn Gooslin! Kaylyn is 24 years old and graduated with a Dietetics degree from Eastern Kentucky University. Kaylyn is an online health coach, owner of healthEVO, and an overall amazing woman. She is someone I personally look up to, come to for guidance, and have learned so much from during the past year of our friendship. Listen as we unlock and discuss the topic of spirituality, religion, and how being connected to a “higher power” can literally save your life.

**DISCLAIMER: In this podcast we will discuss religion and topics on God. We use the words God, Universe, Energy, Spirit Guide, Higher Being/Power interchangeably to express our personal beliefs and open the floor to yours. This podcast is free of judgement, and we hope that you can listen no matter what your beliefs are, and be open minded to everything we discuss.

Some of the questions asked/discussed in this episode:

Tell us a little bit about your spiritual beliefs and how you got to this place

What is some advice you’d give to someone who is seeking to be more spiritual, or just figure out “what” they believe 

How did you get out of your lowest point and find clarity and happiness again?

How do you define your spirituality? How did you develop your relationship and what is your opinion of religion in general?

How do we go through life with less judgement of other people’s beliefs? 

Ending question: What are your top tips for self development and self growth?