On this show we do a book review of Straight Talk on Armed Defense, what the Experts want you to know. by Massad Ayoob. This book is masterful in bringing together the preeminent experts in the firearms and self-defense industry into one book. It is a detailed reference book covering everything from what real criminal assault looks like, how to live the carry life style, how to find effective training and how to be prepared for the legal aspects of both carry and the aftermath of a self-defense encounter. This in our opinion should be in everyone’s library. We go into a summary of many of the chapters but rest assured it only scratches the surface of the wealth of content in the book. We will have two instalments of the review so stay tuned this week. We will be having Mas on the show within the next week as well! Reference the end of our show notes for the current Drill of the Week. Also the EvoSec crew talk about their accountability of the week and hit on some current events.

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Sponsors www.tenicor.com/ and Origin www.originmaine.com/

Mas’ website: https://massadayoobgroup.com/

Book for purchase:


Some of the authors mention and work cited: Please provide them your patronage and look for their training schedules and get into a class.

John Hearne of Rangemaster: https://rangemaster.com/about/john-hearne/

Dr. William Aprill of Aprill Risk Consulting: https://aprillriskconsulting.com/

Craig Douglas of Shivworks: https://shivworks.com/

The Drill of the Week: From The Tactical Professor Claude Werner

The Happy/Frowny Face Decisional Drill
