Are you trying to retain the technical knowledge of your company’s retirees? Felicia G. Harris, CEO of EverythingHR and EverythingHR Financial Services, shares how we can retain the mature workforce while contributing to not only the company but also the other age groups of the workforce.
How to hire and maintain a mature workforce without bypassing important lawsThe age group that has the lowest unemployment rateThe top characteristic of a mature workforce and why knowing it is importantKey ways to keep the workforce engaged and involved in the organizationWhy incentives are an important part of retaining valueHow to retain value once the mature workforce retiresThe important role of succession planning in an organizationCater to the needs of the age-groupThe cultural preferences of an older workforce and how they thriveHow you find and hire the mature workforceCreate ways for the mature workforce to share their knowledgeWhat you need to know before using a recruiterThe difference between succession and replacementThe benefits of having a diverse workforceWhy having a mature workforce is beneficial for the company’s vision
3 Key Points:

1. The 65-75 age group has the lowest unemployment rate out of all of the age groups.

2. The top characteristic of this age group is consistency.

3. Offering different working incentives helps to retain this mature age group while they add value to the company.


Felicia Harris HR

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