I am no stranger to having a lot on my plate. It is honestly how I thrive. If I didn’t, I would not be as passionate and motivated to do more. My life has always been crazy, and I have always had my hands in a lot of different projects. That is seriously the best part about being a multi passionate entrepreneur. That is our norm, and it is where I belong.

I get to create content in the forms of books, podcasts, medical products, and video. I can help small business owners, entrepreneurs, patients, content creators, and anyone looking to level up in their business and/or life.

Creating programs and content that will help you feel good and do better is what makes me feel alive you know…

I just could not imagine doing anything else. Whether it is an Excel doc for budgeting, a pantry needing to be organized, a healthy recipe, a LinkedIn profile needing a refresh, or a podcast to be launched I have got you covered. I take so much pride in my work. Being a perfectionist and having the best highlighting system doesn’t hurt either. Patiently waiting for my Sharpie Sponsor over here. lol

I do what I do to help others succeed. Writing, recording, producing, filming, organizing, and cooking. I do all of this because I love it and more importantly it helps you out in one way or another.

In today’s episode (304) I am sharing some incredible news with you. If you have ever wanted to work with me now is the time. January was intense for a lot of people and being the spiritual human that I am I wanted to offer you an incredible deal for today to celebrate 2-2-22. I go into depth on the show about why and more details of each program but if you don’t have time to listen you can just jump right into the programs today with 22% off. Yup! 22% off! I am launching this now because I am doing all my end of month/new month tasks tomorrow. I may even be helping a friend redo her walk in closet so stay tuned for that content as I will be filming it all.

I am a big numbers person which I talk about more on today’s show. If you have been seeing my content for some time or maybe this is your first time, I am so excited to share this discount that is available for you today.

The code you can use at checkout today is 2222. This will work on all my Business, LinkedIn, and Podcasting Programs. I will list them for you below as well as the last few episodes of the Everything is Messy Podcast. I don’t often do sales so I would absolutely hop on this now. As always if you have any questions, I would love to hop on a call with you. You can even shoot me a text on my office line (310) 461-7051.

I am so excited for this new powerful month ahead. February is going to be fantastic for everyone! I can feel it! Also, this month you will finally get to hear from my incredible guests so stay tuned for those episodes. I did a studio refresh last week which you can see on my TikTok.

I hope that you are having a wonderful day and let me know if there is anything I can ever do to assist you.

Are you ready to work together? Click the links below and be sure to use the code 2222 at checkout to receive your 22% off today. If you would prefer to pay through Paypal, Venmo, or Apple Pay just shoot me a text (310-461-7051) and I can send you those links.

Updated Pricing for 2/22/22 only...

Your Podcast Production $5,600.00. Today only $4,146.00.

Start Your Podcast Today $2,400.00. Today only $1,650.00.

Leverage Your LinkedIn Pro $1,200.00. Today only $714.00.

Leverage Your LinkedIn Today $600.00. Today only $246.00.

Monthly Podcast Production $1,650.00. Today only $1,065.00.

One Hour Coaching Call $300.00. Today only $222.00.

Send me a message for additional $222 off for today 2-22-22.

Don’t forget to connect with me over on TikTok. That is where I am spending most of my time these days…


WEBSITES: everythingismessy.com and kellyanngorman.com

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: http://kellyanngorman.