In this episode of The Happy Workaholic Podcast I am sharing the wonderful news that this show has OFFICIALLY been added to the Spotify family. OMG! It took forever!

I am happy to say that ALL episodes are now fully syndicated!

I am also getting into why you should always be proactive and organized with you health. Just as you are in your business. Always go with you gut and speak up when you know you need to be heard. When you feel like something is wrong.

Over the weekend I ended having a relapse of my NMO and spent the entire day in the hospital. I realized that I have been so busy lately I haven't been writing down all of my symptoms. Lesson learned! I am taking my own advice again and continuing on that path of being more organized with my health.

Rather then be scared of my situation I am being vocal. For those of you that listen to this show because you also have a chronic illness or autoimmune disease please know that I am always here to support you and that you are not alone!

If you liked this episode please let me know by writing me a review on iTunes!  I would truly appreciate it.

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Talk soon…

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