In this Episode I discuss how Instagram should be used to grow your business. Why a business account is needed versus a personal account. And the reason why hashtags (and the research of using good ones) are necessary in building your brands message and awareness. I also give a few tips and tricks I use with my own Instagram page @kkinvegas as well as Instagram Stories.

Guess what? We now have one place for all of us to be able to interact with one another.

Pretty amazing? Right! I hope you will join us in the fun. This is where you can send me your show ideas too!

Click here if you are ready to join in today!

And mark your calendars because the I Chose This Life Series is launching on Wednesday 9-6-17 and you will not want to miss out on those episodes!

If you want a more BTS look at my life you can find me on Instagram and Stories every day @kkinvegas.

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