Are you or someone you know frustrated with the health care system? Are you ready to voice your opinion on the changes that need to be made. Ready to be heard (finally) and have someone actually make an impact and create a better experience for your next medically related event?

Over the past five years I have played many roles. I have been the patient, caretaker, friend, attorney, and I could go on. I literally had to fight to save my own life, and then fight again through six medical malpractice legal cases.

Throughout this journey of many years I took notes on what needs to change. What type of product could bring everyone together. Something that could bring positive change to the health care system. One that all parties involved could benefit from and finally get on the same page. Communication is key in any business. Why is it not happening between our own doctors?

So, I have good news, and bad. The bad is that there was nothing on the market to create this positive impact for patients. Something to truly help and honestly to help save lives.

The good news is I decided to create it myself. This is where you come in...

I need you to voice all of your frustrations to me at the link below. By doing so, I will be able to make this product the absolute best tool on the market. One that has never existed. Until now...

I am creating this product for you, so the more info I get, the better the product will be...

Send your submissions here:


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Have a question about today’s show? Text me at 310-461-7051 today!

Order a copy of Everything is Messy here: