On today’s show I am sharing everything I am doing to keep me in a happy, calm, positive, woo, and very centered place. No room for negative vibes over here.

Tune in today to hear how I protected my energy throughout the pandemic and what I am currently doing, and no longer available for, so that I can move into the new year with more positivity and less clutter.

I also get a little emotional at the end of the show. Shocker! You guys, 3.5 years ago I started this show without a penny to my name, sick, depressed and hoping not to go blind and paralyzed from a disease I never ended up having.

You’ve been on this entire ride with me. Through the illness, the misdiagnoses, the six medical malpractice legal cases, and my angry rants. You have been here when I thought I lost my voice, but you helped me find that again. You have also tuned in to hear from the incredible guests I had on the show over the past few years. I am so grateful for that and for those of you who have taken the time to chat with me here.

The whole point of every episode and this entire podcast is to inspire you. Motivate you and prove to you that anything is possible if you just put in the work. The possibilities are endless. They truly are.

I have 250 episodes available to prove that. Over 22,000 of you listening in 78 countries and on every single podcast channel/app including Audible. I launched a book in the middle of the pandemic. I share all of this because if I can do these things so can you!

You deserve a business and life you love. And I really want that for you. Life is way too short to not live this way.

I cannot even put into words how incredible grateful I am to be here, to be recording this show every week for you and for being able to share my journey with you. All of it! I have laughed and cried on almost every episode. If there is one thing I am, it’s real.

You get the genuine version of me each and every week. Season 4 of The Happy Workaholic Podcast begins 1-1-21. I cannot wait to share what is next. Any guesses?

If you have any thoughts on any of my episodes, I would LOVE it if you would leave me a review on Apple Podcasts or Audible today! Bonus: If you tag me on IG or FB with your review I will send you a copy of my brand new eBook.

Wishing you a happy and healthy new year and again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for tuning in…


Momentum. A Twelve Month On Demand Coaching Experience: http://kellyanngorman.com/momentum/

Order your copy of my new book, Everything is Messy here: http://kellyanngorman.com/everything-is-messy/

The Happy Workaholic Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/thehappyworkaholic

TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@thehappyworkaholic

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kellyanngorman/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehappyworkaholic/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehappyworkaholic

YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/kellyanngorman

Website: http://kellyanngorman.com/

On The House Podcast School: https://linktr.ee/thehappyworkaholic

Newsletter: http://kellyanngorman.com/business-mindset-organizational-tools/

Have a question about today’s show? Text me at 310-461-7051 today!