I’m getting into it today. Keeping it real and sharing how I feel about this show right now. So, no intro, no outro and no music. Just me and my mic and some pretty incredible news for YOU the listener!

I‘ve been podcasting for over two years. I have produced almost 1,000 episodes between my show and my clients shows. That is a lot of editing kids! But I would not trade it for the world. Because our stories need to be shared!

This podcast has evolved into something I never could have
imagined! A global syndicated show! It’s seriously insane! Now it’s your turn
to see how good this feels.

I want you to become a part of my show and it is up to you how much you would like to be a part of future episodes.

I just launched four different donation levels for you to enjoy!
You can view them all here: http://kellyanngorman.com/podcast-2/

Each donation has some pretty incredible benefits if I do say so myself! But truly and honestly you are going to absolutely love them because you will be mentioned on future episodes as well as other really great additions for your business!

Here is some more news for you…

Earlier this week I launched T.E.A.M.


Learn more
about that and how you can become a member right here: http://kellyanngorman.com/t-e-a-m/

Again, more involvement for you on the show and in my network and
for you to monetize your investment!

Thank you for listening for over two years. And thank you in advance for a rate, review and subscription on Apple Podcasts. Wink. Wink.

Excited to showcase you on an upcoming show…


Become a part of the show here: http://kellyanngorman.com/podcast-2/

Donation button in middle of Podcast
page on website. Just scroll down a bit!

Join T.E.A.M. here: http://kellyanngorman.com/t-e-a-m/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehappyworkaholic/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehappyworkaholic/

Happy Workaholic Network Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thwnetwork/

Happy Workaholic Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/chZ_H9

For more information on sponsorship for the show, coaching programs and more visit thehappyworkaholic.com.