Today is Sunday. A day I don't usually upload episodes.

However, when I woke up this morning I felt ready and wanted to share what has really been going on in my life the past few weeks.

I cannot be embarrassed or ashamed of crying and showing emotions on my show! Just a riendly reminder I never edit the tears...

I need to just put the message out there so that I can help others. That's what this show is all about. It's whay I started it in the first place.

So today I am talking to you about the 99.9% chance that I have been misdiagnosed with NMO.

All the chemo, pills, transfusions and hospital stays were what was actually making me sick? Or have I actually been cured?

I'm sharing it all on today's show. The tears, frustration, confusion, new game plan, questions. I'm sharing all of my personal struggles and the true story with you today...

Warning. There are a lot of tears in this episode!

Want to continue our conversation?

Make sure we are connected on Facebook and Instagram. You can find me @thehappyworkaholic so I can say hello!



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PS Don’t forget to leave me a review on iTunes if you liked today’s show! Be sure to screen shot and tag me on FB and IG so I can feature you on my Stories!

Talk soon,
