Kenzie Bond, author of The 90 Day House, joins Kev to talk about real estate, travel, Texas, Philly, amusement parks, and more!


A passionate reader, writer, traveler and rescuer of dogs, Kenzie can most often be found hiking in the wilderness with her German Shepherd Layla, or in between the pages of a book. As a native Texan, Kenzie has seen the real estate market fluctuate, swinging wildly between a buyers market and sellers market - and everywhere in between! Being able to successfully navigate both the real estate and lending market during these times, Kenzie felt it was her duty to share her knowledge and steps to success with as many people as possible - hence The 90 Day House was born!


As a serial home buyer, buying her first home at the height of the 2008 real estate crash with NO MONEY DOWN, Kenzie knew the secrets of the credit and mortgage lending industry, and have compiled all of her experience and knowledge into a step-by-step, easy to follow system with proven results!

Why trust Kenzie? Finding herself in a dire situation a decade ago, she needed to buy her first home quickly - and with as little out of pocket as possible. Luckily, Kenzie had spent countless hours researching credit repair methods and mortgage programs online for almost a year. As a result of this due diligence she was able to close on her first home 30 days after beginning the search, with zero money down - and a fantastic interest rate to boot!

Fast forward a decade and Kenzie has bought and sold several homes, each time in less than 90 days with absolutely no money down. Believing that home ownership is the most important feature of the "American Dream" she has compiled her extensive research and methods into this book - to help YOU become the next 90 day success story!

In addition to learning Kenzie's credit secrets and legitimate sources of down payment assistance programs, she provides you with up to date "Zero Down" mortgage products from reputable lenders across the nation. These are not the predatory lenders that caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis of the last decade - these are established, reputable banks and credit unions that are eager to get back into the competitive mortgage lending market.


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