Welcome to a special presentation of Everything Home…the transformational show where we talk about Life / Stuff & Balance and showcase Good People, doing Good Business and Good Things.

This is our signature segment...

The Massi Memo – with our Expert Contributor – Robert Massi

It’s time for a new approach to delivering advice and insight on relevant legal issues and topics. How about an attorney who’s motivated by his strong desire to protect people from being taken advantage of in life, who’s witnessed lives being unnecessarily and unknowingly held back through no fault of their own and who knows exactly how to turn unjust situations around…that man is…Robert Massi, Attorney, Solution Provider and Protector of the People at Massi & Massi, Attorneys at Law.

Robert delivers The Massi Memo on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of Every Month  His engaging & entertaining personality gives the boring law, just the jolt it needs, to make you want to tune in and learn how to better play the hand you’ve been dealt, in this game we call life.


LISTEN, SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & FOLLOW: with Host Michele Swinick - Great Guests, Giveaways & a Ginormous Resource of FREE Information for EVERYTHING HOME! 

WHAT'S YOUR 7-MINUTE STORY TO SHARE?  It's time you let the world know who you are, what you do & most importantly...WHY you do it!  WE'RE HERE TO HELP MAKE THAT HAPPEN...
