EVERYTHING HOME...Your Censorship-Free, Safe Space, Sanctuary Speakeasy for Patriots

PATTY CASTILLO PORTER - Stopping The Border Crisis & Invasion of Arizona - SIGN THE NOTICES TODAY!

Since our Elected Elites have decided to do NOTHING to protect the people of Arizona, Patty's Grassroots Group have stepped up to the plate to Make It Happen! They're STOPPING the border crisis in Arizona & the Tax Payer funded illegal alien human trafficking at the 3 Phoenix Area Hotels & 1 in Bisbee BY...ENGAGING We The People & utilizing the POWER of the US Constitution.

They've created Corrective Action Notices to be SIGNED by the Citizens of Arizona. These documents demand strict enforcement of our immigration laws that protect the Citizens & Legal Residents of Arizona. They will be hand delivered to Governor Doug Ducey to let our Voices Be Heard!

Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states that, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion."

The states have the POWER to enforce this IMMEDIATELY. Our so-called "leaders" can no longer hide behind the excuse, it's a "Federal Issue"

VISIT: https://www.stopbordercrisis.com/ For EASY instructions on how to download the 2 Notices & E-Sign. It only takes 5 minutes - Is your FREEDOM worth that?

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