
This is a special Encore presentation to Celebrate an amazing member the Everything Home community & our favorite Expert Contributor who lost his battle with cancer last month

He was a practicing attorney, television personality, author, radio host & public speaker. He combined 30+ years of courtroom experience with over 20 years as an on-camera legal analyst for Fox News & he also hosted his own show "The Property Man"

I’ve been a fan of Bob’s for years & when I was asked to be a guest on 960am, I called his office, spoke to his manager, gave my best pitch for him to join me & she said, “thank you so much for thinking of Bob. I need to check but I’m sure he would love to do it”-About 2 hours later, I received a call from The Property Man himself & wonderful friendship began

Over the year, we kept in touch thru email, texts & were creating his signature segment–The Massi Memo–so everyone could enjoy his personality weekly on our show

His last text to me said “I’m so proud of you” & “I’m here to help in any way you need”

Sadly, Bob passed away on February 6th at the age of 67

To wrap up this tribute to my friend Bob Massi, I wanted to say THANK YOU Bob...for being such a generous man, for being so helpful, for being so thoughtful, for calling me back, for having enough confidence in me to join me on a talk radio show & then for being a guest on my show & for being such a Class Act!

In every conversation, email & text we had, at least 1 time he said…“I’m here to help in any way you need” & that’s how I’ll always remember him & hope you do too!