Welcome to Season 2 of the Everything Belongs Podcast. Today, Madison is sharing about the new podcast format and kicking off the season with, what she calls, the 5 horsemen that squash your creativity, leadership and joy. "Horseman" is a term used by the Gottman's to tell if you are in a trouble-zone. Running with this idea, Madison discusses the 5 ways you might be KILLING your creativity, wet-blanketing your joy and squashing your ability to lead, as well as signals to help you identify if you are caught up in these hijinks. This is the work inside Rising Sovereign, her 8 month mentorship experience with her that will not only address each of these pesky horseman, but will also equip you with the tools, mindset, habits and community to take up all your space, unabashedly.  

Listen in and find the full show notes here: http://madisonmorrigan.com/podcast-rss-feed/103

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