Today on the Everything Belongs Podcast, Madison is in conversation with Nisha Moodley, Nisha is an Integrative Leadership Coach, the founder of Global Sisterhood Day and the host of Devotion Podcast. As a bi-racial woman with a background in health & executive coaching, intergenerational & energy healing and community building, she has a unique relationship to the ecology of leadership and the ability to catalyze deep growth for her clients. Nisha's been a coach for over a decade, leading mastermind groups, online courses, and nearly 50 retreats, supporting womxn to liberate their leadership and weave their gifts in service of a more beautiful world. In this episode, Madison and Nisha speak on having regenerative relationships with our businesses, our leadership, the earth and our communities. They also discuss Nisha's own experience with grief, redemption and death and how to trust the life that flows from death.  

Listen in and find the full show notes here:


Guest Links:

Nisha's Website:

Nisha's Instagram: