Today on the Everything Belongs podcast, Madison is in conversation with Julie Parker. Julie is the Founder of The Beautiful You Coaching Academy where she passionately trains and supports heart centered people to become life coaches. The Editor in Chief of inspired COACH Magazine, a published author and in demand speaker, Julie has inspired thousands of people on stages all over the world, and is the recipient of numerous leadership and women’s business awards. Julie is also the Co-Founder of Priestess Temple School and host of the top ranking Priestess Podcast. A modern day priestess with a focus on her Celtic, Balkan, Iberian and Greek lineage, Julie is committed to contributing to a world where qualities of intuition, presence, social justice and service are honoured. Julie lives in Melbourne with her husband, stepdaughter and two much loved adopted cats. In this enlightening conversation, Madison and Julie explore the topic of being a 'priestess', how Julia claimed this title and how it relates to divine feminine, reconnecting to our own lineages as white people and the shifting values of our current world leadership. Julie shares her own wisdom from her 'dark night of the soul' and how it shifted her relationships and helped her claim this existence. They also have a deep conversation around sovereignty, spirituality and the ever present shifting happening in the world at large. Listen in to this expanding conversation here…

In This episode we Talk about:

Julie's definition of "priestess" and what it means in terms of our professions, our purpose and our spiritual selves.How feeling disconnected from our spiritual lineages and cultures create a sense of longing for ritual practices, which has resulted in a lot of cultural appropriation to fill the voidOur relationships and how they can assist us to moving towards our own innate sovereignty and spiritualityThe fear around following our 'priestess' callings, especially when they are outside the norm of patriarchy or cultureThe difference between divine feminine leadership and being a women, what divine feminine leadership looks and feels like and how Julie navigates running a business aligned with the divine feminine in a capitalist cultureJulie's writing process for her book, 'Priestess"


Becoming a life coach:

Where to find:

Julie's Website:

Julie's Podcast:

Julie's Facebook:

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